Paper Money Book
The website for the banknote collector
PMB-001; ONE DISNEY DOLLAR Prefix: A1; 6 digit serial #
Estimated value: 25.00 (Edition 870 000)
Note: This is the unique issue printed on watermark paper, it spells out USBN for United States Bank Note
PMB-002; FIVE DISNEY DOLLARS Prefix: A2; 6 digit serial #
Estimated value: 25.00 (Edition 176 000)
PMB-003; ONE DISNEY DOLLAR Prefix: A; 8 digit serial #; Sufix: A
Estimated value: 25.00
PMB-004; FIVE DISNEY DOLLARS Prefix: A; 8 digit serial #; Sufix: A
PMB-005; ONE DISNEY DOLLAR Prefix: D; 8 digit serial #; Sufix: A
PMB-006; FIVE DISNEY DOLLARS Prefix: D; 8 digit serial #; Sufix: A